A Better Man, Husband, Father is a book to help men recognize their yearnings to be better as men, and will help them to fully grasp the idea that it is a life-long process. It's a book which gives short, easily read, encouraging grass roots articles, many of which are everyday life situations taken straight from author Joe Miller's personal life. The situations he speaks of affect many of us in our relationships, including our most important one: our relationship with God, the One who has always and will always have His hand in our lives.
The Lord knows that becoming a better man, a better husband, and a better father is a process that certainly doesn't happen overnight. He is patient as we live through that continual "two-steps-forward-one-step-backward" dance in our journey of life. From the worst situations imaginable to the best experiences of our lives, He is there for all of us to be our
guide and our encouragement.
Life as a follower of Christ doesn't mean life will be easy, but rather should help us cope with and respond to what does happen in our lives that will ultimately shape our character. Our character is who we are and what others see when they look at us. What would someone say about you?
It's important to enjoy the journey you have chosen for yourself. This journey through life will make you a better you. Author Joe Miller's prayer is that it will be a life that is pleasing to God because you matter to Him so much.